To help package users in creating valid theme configuration file.
Add-in Launch
The add-in can be launched by one of two methods - Call
function from
within RStudio console - From RStudio add-ins menu

Add-in Launch
Add-in Layout
- The add-in will open as web browser tab
- Add-in UI consists of:
- Add-in header that consists of:
- Cancel/Done buttons: they are default add-ins buttons and their sole
purpose is to close add-in window
- Upon Clicking on it, the widget add-in will be closed
- Done button functionality can be customized but that is not needed
in this add-in
- Upon Clicking on it, the widget add-in will be closed
- Add-in title between the two buttons is: “Theme Configuration YAML
File Builder”
- Add-in body consists of 6 tabs:
- Status Colors
- Sidebar Colors
- Sidebar layout
- Main Colors
- Colors Contrast
- Other Variables
- Footer:
- No mandatory fields
Status Colors Tab
periscope2 main theme colors are defined with the following status
colors, you can use those status in infoBox, valueBox, cards
Sidebar colors variables allow you to change sidebars (left and
right) related colors
Sidebar layout variables allow you to change sidebars (left and
right) width, padding, …
Main Colors Tab
Template main colors definition
Colors Contrast Tab
These variables allow to customize color used if contrast between a
color and its background is under threshold. For example, it’s used to
choose text color written in bs4ValueBox with background defined by a
Other Variables Tab
This is an advanced method to add or customize any more AdminLTE or
Bootstrap 4 variable in periscope2 generated application theme.
- User can add variables to customize by clicking “Add Variable”
- User can remove added variables by adding remove button for that
- User can search for the theme variable in the selectize input
- Function: Download theme configuration yaml file
- Label: “Download”
Downloaded File
Name: periscope_style.yaml Format: Value are based on input
configuration but output is similar to the following
Downloaded Configuration File Usage
The generated file is used by putting it inside the generated app www
folder where it will be located by default