

This Shiny Module allows the user to easily reset application session and logs


  • Resets a user’s session
  • Resets the session log


Shiny Module Overview

Shiny modules consist of a pair of functions that modularize, or package, a small piece of reusable functionality. The UI function is called directly by the user to place the UI in the correct location (as with other shiny UI objects). The module server function that is called only once to set it up using the module name as a function inside the server function (i.e. user-local session scope. The function first arguments is string represents the module id (the same id used in module UI function). Additional arguments can be supplied by the user based on the specific shiny module that is called. There can be additional helper functions that are a part of a shiny module.

The appReset Shiny Module is a part of the periscope2 package and consists of the following functions:

  • appResetButton - the UI function to place the button in the
  • appReset - the UI function to place the button in the


App Reset Toggle Button
  • This is a toggle button can be placed in the UI like any other element

  • This button is automatically wired to reset the application to the initial session state

  • The user is given a warning (as an alert on the Advanced tab) and the reset is delayed (default = 5s) to allow the user to cancel the reset.

Reset Warning
Cancel Reset
  • Reset requests and cancellations are logged automatically.
    Successful reset request
Canceled reset request
# Inside ui_body.R or similar UI file



The appReset function is called directly. The call consists of the following:

  • the unique object ID
  • the logging logger to be used
# Inside server_local.R

appReset(id = 'appResetId', logger = logger)

Sample Application

For a complete running shiny example application using the appReset module you can create and run a periscope2 sample application using:


app_dir = tempdir()
create_application(name = 'mysampleapp', location = app_dir, sample_app = TRUE)
runApp(paste(app_dir, 'mysampleapp', sep = .Platform$file.sep))
