Creates ready-to-use templated application files using the periscope2 framework. The application can be created either empty (default) or with a sample/documented example application.

  sample_app = FALSE,
  left_sidebar = TRUE,
  right_sidebar = FALSE



name for the new application and directory


base path for creation of name


whether to create a sample shiny application


whether the left sidebar should be enabled. It can be TRUE/FALSE


parameter to set the right sidebar. It can be TRUE/FALSE


no return value, creates application folder structure and files


The name directory must not exist in location. If the code detects that this directory exists it will abort the creation process with a warning and will not create an application template.

Use only filesystem-compatible characters in the name (ideally w/o spaces)

Directory Structure

 -- log (log files)
 -- program (user application)
 -- -- config   (application configuration files)
 -- -- data     (user application data)
 -- -- fxn      (user application function)
 -- -- modules  (application modules files)
 -- www (supporting shiny files)
 -- -- css  (application css files)
 -- -- img  (application image files)
 -- -- js   (application js files)

File Information

All user application creation and modifications will be done in the program directory. The names & locations of the framework-provided .R files should not be changed or the framework will fail to work as expected.

name/program/config directory :
Use this location for configuration files.

name/program/data directory :
Use this location for data files. There is a .gitignore file included in this directory to prevent accidental versioning of data

name/program/fxn directory :
Use this location for supporting and helper R files.

name/program/modules directory :
Use this location for application new modules files.

name/program/global.R :
Use this location for code that would have previously resided in global.R and for setting application parameters using set_app_parameters. Anything placed in this file will be accessible across all user sessions as well as within the UI context.

name/program/server_global.R :
Use this location for code that would have previously resided in server.R above (i.e. outside of) the call to shinyServer(...). Anything placed in this file will be accessible across all user sessions.

name/program/server_local.R :
Use this location for code that would have previously resided in server.R inside of the call to shinyServer(...). Anything placed in this file will be accessible only within a single user session.

name/program/ui_body.R :
Create body UI elements in this file and register them with the framework using a call to add_ui_body

name/program/ui_footer.R :
Create footer UI elements in this file and register them with the framework using a call to add_ui_footer

name/program/ui_header.R :
Create header UI elements in this file and register them with the framework using a call to add_ui_header

name/program/ui_left_sidebar.R :
Create sidebar UI elements in this file and register them with the framework using a call to add_ui_left_sidebar

name/program/ui_right_sidebar.R :
Create right sidebar UI elements in this file and register them with the framework using a call to add_ui_right_sidebar

name/www/css/custom.css :
This is the application custom styling css file. User can update application different parts style using this file.

name/www/js/custom.js :
This is the application custom javascript file.

name/www/periscope_style.yaml :
This is the application custom styling yaml file. User can update application different parts style using this file.

Do not modify the following files:



# sample app named 'mytestapp' created in a temp dir
location <- tempdir()
create_application(name = 'mytestapp', location = location, sample_app = TRUE)
#> periscope2 application mytestapp was created successfully at /tmp/RtmpFaw2np
unlink(paste0(location,'/mytestapp'), TRUE)

# sample app named 'mytestapp' with a right sidebar using a custom icon created in a temp dir
location <- tempdir()
create_application(name = 'mytestapp', location = location, sample_app = TRUE, right_sidebar = TRUE)
#> periscope2 application mytestapp was created successfully at /tmp/RtmpFaw2np
unlink(paste0(location,'/mytestapp'), TRUE)

# blank app named 'myblankapp' created in a temp dir
location <- tempdir()
create_application(name = 'myblankapp', location = location)
#> periscope2 application myblankapp was created successfully at /tmp/RtmpFaw2np
unlink(paste0(location,'/myblankapp'), TRUE)

# blank app named 'myblankapp' without a left sidebar created in a temp dir
location <- tempdir()
create_application(name = 'myblankapp', location = location, left_sidebar = FALSE)
#> periscope2 application myblankapp was created successfully at /tmp/RtmpFaw2np
unlink(paste0(location,'/myblankapp'), TRUE)