Builds application right sidebar with given configurations and elements. It is called within "ui_right_sidebar.R". Check example application for detailed example
sidebar_elements = NULL,
sidebar_menu = NULL,
collapsed = TRUE,
overlay = TRUE,
pinned = FALSE,
skin = "light"
List of regular shiny UI elements (inputText, textArea, etc..)
object to created a menu inside right sidebar
If TRUE, the sidebar will be collapsed on app startup (default = TRUE)
Whether the sidebar covers the content when expanded (default = TRUE)
If TRUE, allows right sidebar to remain open even after a click outside (default = FALSE)
Sidebar skin. "dark" or "light" (default = "light")
list of both shiny UI elements and named right sidebar properties
Call this function from program/ui_right_sidebar.R
to set right sidebar parameters
# Inside ui_right_sidebar.R
sidebar_elements <- list(div(checkboxInput("checkMe", "Example Check")))
sidebar_menu <- controlbarMenu(id = "controlbarmenu",
controlbarItem("Item 2", "Simple text"))
# -- Register Right Sidebar Elements in the ORDER SHOWN in the UI
add_ui_right_sidebar(sidebar_elements = sidebar_elements,
sidebar_menu = sidebar_menu)