This function inserts a standardized tooltip image, label (optional), and hovertext into the application UI
ui_tooltip(id, label = "", text = "", placement = "top")
The id for the tooltip object
Text label to appear to the left of the tooltip image
Tooltip text shown when the user hovers over the image
Where to display tooltip label. Available places are "top", "bottom", "left", "right" (default is "top")
html span with the label, tooltip image and tooltip text
Call this function from program/ui_body.R
to set tooltip parameters
# Inside ui_body.R or similar UI file
ui_tooltip(id = "top_tip",
label = "Top Tooltips",
text = "Top tooltip")
#> <span class="periscope-input-label-with-tt">
#> Top Tooltips
#> <img id="top_tip" src="img/tooltip.png" height="16px" width="16px" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Top tooltip" data-html="true"/>
#> </span>