Server-side function for the appResetButton This is a custom high-functionality button for session reload. The server function is used to provide module configurations.
appReset(id, reset_wait = 5000, alert_location = "bodyAlert", logger)
Character represents the ID of the Module's UI element (the same id used in appResetButton
Integer represents the period to wait before session reload in milliseconds (default = 5000)
Character represents div ID or selector to display module related messages (default = "bodyAlert")
logger to use
nothing, function will display a warning message in the app then reload the whole application
This function is not called directly by consumers - it is accessed in
server_local.R (or similar file) using the same id provided in appResetButton
appReset(id = "appResetId", logger = ss_userAction.Log)
if (interactive()) {
ui = fluidPage(fluidRow(column(12, appResetButton(id = "appResetId")))),
server = function(input, output) {
appReset(id = "appResetId", logger = "")