Server-side function for the downloadableTableUI. This is a custom high-functionality table paired with a linked downloadFile button.

  logger = NULL,
  filenameroot = "download",
  downloaddatafxns = NULL,
  selection = NULL,
  table_options = list()



the ID of the Module's UI element


logger to use


the text used for user-downloaded file - can be either a character string, a reactive expression or a function returning a character string


a named list of functions providing the data as return values. The names for the list should be the same names that were used when the table UI was created.


function or reactive expression providing the table display data as a return value. This function should require no input parameters.


function or reactive expression providing the row_ids of the rows that should be selected


optional table formatting parameters check ?DT::datatable for options full list. Also see example below to see how to pass options


Reactive expression containing the currently selected rows in the display table


downloadFile button will be hidden if downloadableTable parameter downloaddatafxn or downloadableTableUI parameter downloadtypes is empty

Generated table can highly customized using function ?DT::datatable same arguments except for options and selection parameters.

For options user can pass the same ?DT::datatable options using the same names and values one by one separated by comma.

For selection parameter it can be either a function or reactive expression providing the row_ids of the rows that should be selected.

Also, user can apply the same provided ?DT::formatCurrency columns formats on passed dataset using format functions names as keys and their options as a list.


  • When there are no rows to download in any of the linked downloaddatafxns the button will be hidden as there is nothing to download.

  • selection parameter has different usage than DT::datatable selection option. See parameters usage section.

  • DT::datatable options editable, width and height are not supported

Shiny Usage

This function is not called directly by consumers - it is accessed in server.R using the same id provided in downloadableTableUI:

downloadableTable(id, logger, filenameroot, downloaddatafxns, tabledata, rownames, caption, selection)

Note: calling module server returns the reactive expression containing the currently selected rows in the display table.


if (interactive()) {
 shinyApp(ui = fluidPage(fluidRow(column(width = 12,
                       downloadtypes = c("csv", "tsv"),
                       hovertext     = "Download the data here!",
                       contentHeight = "300px",
                       singleSelect  = FALSE)))),
   server = function(input, output) {
     mydataRowIds <- function(){
       rownames(head(mtcars))[c(2, 5)]
     selectedrows <- downloadableTable(
       id               = "object_id1",
       logger           = "",
       filenameroot     = "mydownload1",
       downloaddatafxns = list(csv = reactiveVal(mtcars), tsv = reactiveVal(mtcars)),
       tabledata        = reactiveVal(mtcars),
       selection        = mydataRowIds,
       table_options    = list(rownames = TRUE,
                            caption  = "This is a great table!"))
     observeEvent(selectedrows(), {